Strange, everytime we go home I think it will be the last time we drive, but guess what? We'll be driving back a week from Friday and intend to stay until after the threshing bee.
I am getting anxious to be in cooler weather, and to see our close friends and family.I fully intended to have my new novel, Running Strong, ready to submit before we leave, but time is running out. I also want to re-submit a love story.
And when I get back I will concentrate on my triology, Jeremiah's Issue. I started it in 1993 on my old typewriter. My problem is I evidently lost some chapters and can't find them in my computer or on my back-up tapes. I do have them on file on paper, so I'll just have to re-type them.
I have been attending an exercise class three times a week. It is called Silver Sneakers and is a fitness program especially for elderly people. I know it is good for me, but then I have to take a nap when I get home and there goes my day.
PUblish America is bugging me to promote the two novels I wrote under my alias, J. Rose Knight, but my contract with them will expire soon and I'll get the rights back. I think I will revise them and send them to a publisher who will edit. They really need editing, and Publish America doesn't do that.
Write LIfe Publishing in Omaha published my latest book , Andy's Shock avaiable at Amazon and at's Shock/ That company edited my book thoroughly.
I had another birthday in May and realize I better get busy if I want to finish my triology
If you read this I hope you will comment as I feel as though I am talking to the wall.