Thursday, April 10, 2008

April already?

Lots of things happening. I have been invited to participate in the Author's Fair at the community college tomorrow. Twenty authors and four speakers will be on hand. Subjects range from cookbooks to inspirational. I will represent the anthology department. Iwill display the anthologies that have my stories. I was honored to be asked to join in the fair.

I will meet with cohorts tonight at Denny's and maybe they can give me hints as to what to do.
Sharon, Lois, Cindie and I meet once a month to critique our stories and have a gab session.

My Bible Study leader, Sue, is having the last Bible study meeting at Hastings and having a book signing for me for the group. Isn't that nice? I was so surprised. She has also asked me to give a presentation at the church women's group in September.

have signed a contract with America Publishing after all. I have nothing to lose. It doesn't cost anything and they don'[t pay advance but royalities. So we'll see what happens there.

I had computer problems and got behind in my on-line writing group so asked for a month's leave of avsence from that wonderful group.

MY grandson, Robert is coming up at the end of the month and he'll help me renew some of my programs. Joan

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