Monday, February 11, 2008

Musings at The End of The Day

Another day has passed without calamity, without personal tragedy, without mishap. Days like this must be savored and remembered. All days are not so sublime.

Friends and relatives have contacted me on e-mail. I feel special when they ask for advice or just want to visit.

As for advice: How do you stop a puppy from whining? That's what one grandaughter asked. I don't know. I suggested letting it sleep with them, but I don't think her hubby agreed.

Another grandaughter critiqued my blog, particularly the part about the story. It was a good suggestion. One I will take to heart when I do the re-write.

My new novel group is exciting. We are going at a faster pace. A chapter a week. We all plan to submit sometime this summer. There are four of us and it amazing how varied the topics are.
One is about the mideast. I'm learning a lot from it. One is about a child's endeavor to become a professional ballet dancer. There's a lot more to dancing than meets the eye. The other one is
about a child that is placed in a mental institution at the age of seven. It isn't as bad as you'd think it would be, but the plot takes you into her mind. All of these authors are very good. I am thankful to be in their company.
My novel, by comparison, seems trite. It is about a mother and daughter who through no fault of their own are almost penniless and they decide to go to Arizona to find jobs and enjoy the nice weather. Lots of things happen on the way. Well, they're fun to write. I don't know what they're going to do next. Until next time, Jo

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